Donna's Story


Donna Stone grew up outside of Altoona, Pennsylvania in the rural village of Lakemont. From a young age she has had a love for God and a curiosity to understand our true purpose and place in this world, and so at the age of seventeen she left home to see what adventures could be found outside of her small hometown. 

Donna never went to college, never had a career goal, or even a real plan. By all accounts the story of her dysfunctional family and her somewhat “normal” life shouldn’t be interesting . . . but it is.

Donna began writing her first book when she was fifty-four years old. Through writing she found her voice and discovered her purpose and passion. It is her hope that everyone would share their own unique story, for themselves, for their family, for their descendants . . . Tell it for forgiveness, tell it with love.

Writing stirs the memory, and opens the heart. With an unfettered heart, writing leads to honesty and vulnerability, which in turn cleanses the soul, and heals old  wounds. Writing is a powerful tool that every hand has access to.